Help: Posts

A post represents a single file that's been uploaded. Each post can have several tags, comments, and notes. If you have an account, you can also add a post to your favorites.


Searching for posts is straightforward. Simply enter the tags you want to search for, separated by spaces. For example, searching for original panties will return every post that has both the original tag AND the panties tag.

Sorting: By default, the most recent uploads appear first. But you can add additional sort orders on top. For example, sort:score shows the highest-rated posts first.

Wildcard: The asterisk * stands for anything. For example, searching for pant* returns all posts with the pants, panties OR pantyhose tag.

Negation: The hyphen - negates a query part to exclude it from the search results. For example, -rating:safe -panties will exclude all safe posts AND exclude all posts with the panties tag.

Aliases: Many tags have aliases. Searching for an alias automatically returns posts with the respective tag. For example, searching for woman searches for female instead.

(-){tag} scat 1girl -ai -3d -male -1boy
real scat cake
Only shows or hides posts with this specific combination of tags.
(-)parent:{id|any|none} parent:1234
Only shows or hides this specific post and its child posts.
parent:0 hides all child posts
parent:any shows all parents and child posts.
parent:none shows no parent or child posts.
(-)user:{name} user:username
Shows or hides posts from a specific user.
Shows or hides favorites from a specific user.
Overrides standard implicit sort order.
< sorts oldest first.
> sorts newest first. (default)
(-)rating:{Safe|Questionable|Explicit} rating:safe
Shows or hides posts with a specific rating.
Shows or hides posts with a specific numerical value or value range.
(-)source:{source|any|none} source:*pixiv*
Shows or hides posts with a specific source.
(-)md5:{32 hex digits} md5:66c8e*
Shows or hides posts with a specific md5 hash.
sort:(<|>){id|score|width|height|resolution|frames} sort:score
< sorts lowest first.
> sorts highest first. (default)

Post List

The post list contains all posts that match your search. Posts from your blacklists are removed. Posts from your greylist are initially blurred.

Some posts have a colored border.

Blacklisted Blacklisted posts are removed from the search results.
You can edit your blacklist in the account options.
Greylisted greylisted Greylisted posts are initially hidden. But you can look at them by hovering them with the mouse or clicking on the button at the end of the post list.
You can edit your greylist in the account options.
Favorite favorite When you are logged in, you can favorite a post by clicking on the "Favorite" button under the image.
Parent Post parent Parent posts are the main post of a set of images.
Child Post child Child posts are often subsequent pages of a doujinshi, or minor variations of the parent post.

Tag List

In both the listing page and the show page you'll notice a list of tag links with characters next to them. Here's an explanation of what they do:

This adds the tag to the current search.
This adds the negated tag to the current search.
The number next to the tag represents how many posts there are.

When you're not searching for a tag, by default the tag list will show the last few tags added to the database. When you are searching for tags, the tag list will show related tags, alphabetically.