/Trash/ Threads (template & current)
This thread is intended as a fallback point for the scat-piss and diaper threads on 4chan's /trash/ board.
There are also pinned messages for this in the discords scat-furry channel.
I should be pretty good about keeping these up to date with the newest threads, but feel free to update them for me if i'm sleeping/working/afk 'w'
/Trash/ Scat-Piss General thread template
/Scat-Piss General/ #<Number here>
<Thread Edition name here> Edition
OC, edit, writefags and what have you welcome!
*Diapers currently not incorporated, but there's always a diaper thread on the go if you want that.
Thread fallback point here: scatbooru.co.uk/index.php?page=forum&s=view&id=83
And here: discord.gg/MwjsrmxsY6 (pinned posts in the scat-furry channel)
Archive (Old): desuarchive.org/trash/search/text/"scat+thread"/type/op
Archive (New): desuarchive.org/trash/sea…/+#"+Last+Thread:/type/op
Last Thread: desuarchive.org/trash/thread/<Last thread number here>
**/Trash/ Diaper General thread template**
```/Diaper General/ #<Number here>
<Thread Edition name here> Edition
OC, edit, writefags and what have you welcome!
Thread fallback point here: scatbooru.co.uk/?page=forum&s=view&id=83
And here: discord.gg/we4kyrMqaq (pinned posts in the #nsfw-diaper channel)
Tagmap: tagmap.io/tag//trash/+diaperfur+thread
Archive: desuarchive.org/trash/sea…iaper+General/+#"/type/op
Last Thread: desuarchive.org/trash/thread/<thread ID>```
Use the archive links to find the last thread ID (the number at the end of the link) and link when making new OP's
There are also pinned messages for this in the discords scat-furry channel.
I should be pretty good about keeping these up to date with the newest threads, but feel free to update them for me if i'm sleeping/working/afk 'w'
/Trash/ Scat-Piss General thread template
/Scat-Piss General/ #<Number here>
<Thread Edition name here> Edition
OC, edit, writefags and what have you welcome!
*Diapers currently not incorporated, but there's always a diaper thread on the go if you want that.
Thread fallback point here: scatbooru.co.uk/index.php?page=forum&s=view&id=83
And here: discord.gg/MwjsrmxsY6 (pinned posts in the scat-furry channel)
Archive (Old): desuarchive.org/trash/search/text/"scat+thread"/type/op
Archive (New): desuarchive.org/trash/sea…/+#"+Last+Thread:/type/op
Last Thread: desuarchive.org/trash/thread/<Last thread number here>
**/Trash/ Diaper General thread template**
```/Diaper General/ #<Number here>
<Thread Edition name here> Edition
OC, edit, writefags and what have you welcome!
Thread fallback point here: scatbooru.co.uk/?page=forum&s=view&id=83
And here: discord.gg/we4kyrMqaq (pinned posts in the #nsfw-diaper channel)
Tagmap: tagmap.io/tag//trash/+diaperfur+thread
Archive: desuarchive.org/trash/sea…iaper+General/+#"/type/op
Last Thread: desuarchive.org/trash/thread/<thread ID>```
Use the archive links to find the last thread ID (the number at the end of the link) and link when making new OP's