5 years ago
A bit of a problem
How come most of the images are not viewable here?
5 years ago
Aw shit, I tought I was the only one with this issue.
5 years ago
The reason is because, ah, they don't exist yet. I've gotten all of the post data (like ID, tags etc) but I haven't gotten the images yet. Don't worry, the images are gonna be there, just gotta wait for my slow ass to sort it out. Should be done by tonight.
5 years ago
I've noticed another problem, while the images are now there the thumbnails don't exist. I'm working on fixing it, however there are no thumbnails for previous posts for the time being. The images should all be there soon, but thumbnails I don't know about.
5 years ago
Why a new website? It seems you would have to download all pics and upload them "as yours". there exist a lot double ones ^^.
5 years ago
I've just finished uploading all of the pictures to here, so it's no problem, although I do need to fix the thumbnails. Downscaled duplicates will be dealt with soon once I've sorted out more important issues.
We needed a new site because of a) security and b) the Booru.org hosting didn't allow us to change or manage anything.
5 years ago
Update: All of the thumbnails have been fixed. We are in business ladies and gentlemen.

I have however noticed that the numbers for how many images there are of a tag are broken. Apart from that, everything is fine.

I think.
almost 5 years ago
Some images are still broken.

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